Saturday, August 31, 2013

Almost Ready...

The past couple of days have been a blur of packing and last minute plumbing projects.  As should be expected, those things always happen just before a trip...

I am for the most part packed, Nita is in the final throes of suitcase wrangling.  It is amazing how much clothing this long of a trip requires.  We are going to be dealing with changing seasons and weather so minimal packing seems to be right out this time.

Tomorrow we are off for Minnenenennneeapolis to link up with family and then off to Dinan on Tuesday. 

We are immensely grateful the kids(and dog, and cat, etc) were willing to live at the house while we are away.  At least if the fridge dies again we do not have to come home to that awful surprise.  Again...


Saturday, August 10, 2013

3 Weeks and Counting

We are now down to the final few weeks of preparation for the grand fall trip.  Many emails with the property owners and the manager have answered a ton of questions and brought light to a lot more.  I think the best option at this point is to quit obsession over everything and just get to the house!

Next Sunday we are having a party for all the folks heading out on the trip with us.  I think most have met, but its always nice to get reacquainted.

So far I have a loooong list of things to do and places to eat.  I hope 6 weeks is enough...